All quotes are from THE LAST SHADOW KNIGHT by Michael Webb.

1. People learned to depend on themselves. If they didn’t make something good happen, it never would.

2. Elevating yourself in life will require someone else to fall. If you help others up when they need it, they’ll either pull you down with them or pass you up altogether. You need to consider what status you want to attain in life.

3. People look out for themselves, and if someone seems helpful, it’s only a matter of time before they take advantage of you too.

4. A wise man keeps an open mind concerning issues with which he has little experience.

5. Fighting isn’t learning how to swing a sword. It’s learning how to think and how to understand the way the city works. You need to learn how to make an opportunity when there is none. To be successful, you need to listen to people and understand how they work and what motivates them.

6. No one should be stuck doing something they don’t like.

7. Learning to fight with a sword isn’t about who swings his sword hardest or fastest. To be a good fighter, you need balance, quick thinking, and the ability to anticipate your enemy, moving your sword where he doesn’t expect before he can react.

8. In fighting, the most important part of defense is to prevent yourself from getting hit. There’s no better way to keep from getting hit than by preventing your opponent from being able to attack in the first place.

9. Never underestimate what people are capable of.

10. Sometimes you have to make difficult choices to accomplish something great.

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